On Thursday, the Departments of Health and Education revised their "Recommendations for Pre-K to 12 School in Determining Instructional Models for Second Semester" guidance chart. The updated recommendations allow us to start providing hybrid in-person instruction when a county is identified as "Substantial". Therefore, we will return to our 4-1 hybrid instructional model for the second semester. Thus, students will return to the building on Thursday, January 21, 2021.
Despite this pandemic's exhaustive span and the light of hope provided by the vaccination distribution, we must not let our guard down and continue implementing the mitigation practices. They include but are not limited to wearing a mask covering your mouth and nose, maintaining six feet of physical distance between people to the maximum extent possible, handwashing diligently, and reporting COVID-related symptoms.
Since we signed the state Attestation, ensuring the implementation of mitigation efforts, we must follow the Recommendations for Pre-K to 12 Schools Following Identification of a Case(s) of COVID-19 if and when cases occur.
Lastly, we are in mile 18 of this marathon, and we must stay confident that we will finish strong through its end. Have a wonderful and safe weekend!
Dr. Jason A. Conway
Executive Director, WIU